A Pirate Talks Guns

Navigating the Maze: Gun Laws, Facts, and Agendas Unveiled

October 30, 2023 John Cello Season 2 Episode 18
Navigating the Maze: Gun Laws, Facts, and Agendas Unveiled
A Pirate Talks Guns
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A Pirate Talks Guns
Navigating the Maze: Gun Laws, Facts, and Agendas Unveiled
Oct 30, 2023 Season 2 Episode 18
John Cello

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Welcome to "Navigating the Maze," the episode that takes you on a deep dive into the intricate world of gun laws, facts, and hidden agendas. If you've ever found yourself bewildered by the complexity of firearm regulations or wondered about the ulterior motives behind them, this is the show for you.

"Navigating the Maze" is not just about informing you; it's about sparking dialogue. We encourage open conversations and debates about gun laws and their agendas. We believe that an informed and engaged citizenry is the key to meaningful change and progress. Whether you're a gun enthusiast, a concerned citizen, or someone just looking to understand this complex issue better, you'll find this interesting.

California Gov. Newsom signs law raising taxes on guns and ammunition to pay for school safety: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/california-gov-newsom-signs-law-raising-taxes-on-guns-and-ammunition-to-pay-for-school-safety#:~:text=California's%20new%20law%20bans%20people,place%20where%20alcohol%20is%20sold

Hank Johnson concerned about Guam tipping over: https://youtu.be/cesSRfXqS1Q?si=EkFKorOLAMoIL4wp

Prohibition in the United States: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition_in_the_United_States

Drunk Driving | Statistics and Resources - NHTSA: https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/drunk-driving#:~:text=Every%20day%2C%20about%2037%20people,These%20deaths%20were%20all%20preventable.

LochLaur Photos
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Show Notes Transcript

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Welcome to "Navigating the Maze," the episode that takes you on a deep dive into the intricate world of gun laws, facts, and hidden agendas. If you've ever found yourself bewildered by the complexity of firearm regulations or wondered about the ulterior motives behind them, this is the show for you.

"Navigating the Maze" is not just about informing you; it's about sparking dialogue. We encourage open conversations and debates about gun laws and their agendas. We believe that an informed and engaged citizenry is the key to meaningful change and progress. Whether you're a gun enthusiast, a concerned citizen, or someone just looking to understand this complex issue better, you'll find this interesting.

California Gov. Newsom signs law raising taxes on guns and ammunition to pay for school safety: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/california-gov-newsom-signs-law-raising-taxes-on-guns-and-ammunition-to-pay-for-school-safety#:~:text=California's%20new%20law%20bans%20people,place%20where%20alcohol%20is%20sold

Hank Johnson concerned about Guam tipping over: https://youtu.be/cesSRfXqS1Q?si=EkFKorOLAMoIL4wp

Prohibition in the United States: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition_in_the_United_States

Drunk Driving | Statistics and Resources - NHTSA: https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/drunk-driving#:~:text=Every%20day%2C%20about%2037%20people,These%20deaths%20were%20all%20preventable.

LochLaur Photos
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lochlaur

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Email: john@tacticalpirate.com
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 So, I made the mistake of checking to see what was new in the world of gun laws and, as usual, it just infuriated me. So today we’re going to go after just how ignorance, a desire by pols to stay in their cushy positions, and outright corruption decide how our laws are made. So be prepared to be angered enough to want to march on DC with torches and pitchforks like we should have done long before we allowed it to get this bad. 

 Coming on the heels of the mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, which caused the death of eighteen people and the wounding of an additional thirteen I knew a knee-jerk reaction was coming. Now, I’m against murder in any form, and feel that murderers should face capital punishment. To me, that’s justice. Passing more restrictive gun laws? I don’t think that punishing law-abiding citizens with unconstitutional laws is the answer. But realism doesn’t come into play when drafting laws. Instead, the pols will play on emotions, with the end goal of garnering votes and staying in office. Like all the other mass shootings, this one would be politicized, with incumbents kissing the butts of the anti-gunners who vote for them. See, it’s not about our safety, it’s about politicians staying in their cushy offices. 

 Let’s start with Sleepy Joe. Someone wrote a statement for him, because God knows the old criminal can’t stay awake or focused long enough to write one himself. Anyway, the statement, ostensibly from The Big Guy, included the following line: “Work with us to pass a bill banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, to enact universal background checks, to require safe storage of guns, and end immunity from liability for gun manufacturers. “ 

 Ban assault weapons. This is the drum that gets beaten every single time there is a shooting, regardless of the number of victims, and a carbine doesn’t even necessarily have to be involved. This is the wokie’s battle cry, often prefaced with the cliché standby of the liberal, “common sense gun laws.” At no point in history has any liberal ever exhibited a lick of “common sense.” These are not so critical thinkers ruled by feelings, and their feelings are given to them by the mass media, because they certainly aren’t smart enough to conduct any research on their own. Lenin called their ilk useful idiots. 

 So even though the ATF and the wokies can’t define exactly what an “assault weapon” is, they want them banned. And it’s not like they haven’t been educated by millions of gun owners. No, they WANT the definition to be as vague as possible, because then the ATF storm troopers can cast a wider net and seize ANY rifle. 

 So go after assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and make people buy Liberty safes to store their guns in so the FBI can use a reset code to open them. This has all been included in the wokie mating call for years. Yeah, Liberty said they won’t do that again, but is there really any reason at all to trust them ever again? 

 Their newest overreach is the call to hold gun manufacturers liable when one of their guns is used in a crime. Yes, these erudite legislators want this. And I say give it to them. Just as soon as liquor distillers, auto manufacturers, hard goods like hammer and axe manufacturers, and cutlery manufacturers are held responsible for crimes committed with THEIR products. No, I don’t really believe that, but when you put it in context like that don’t you think the ruling elites that try to pass laws like that should be burned at the stake? 

 Anyone else out there absolutely fed up with politicians enacting laws, constitutional or otherwise, to combat gun violence while they have their prosecutors not prosecute the laws already on the books that would actually have an impact? Are you tired of being the whipping boys for pols who don’t really care about actually addressing a problem, but are very interested in pandering to a group of ill-informed constituents with the right to vote? And are you absolutely sick and tired of pols passing laws that only impact law-abiding gun owners? Well, guess what? Until we drain the swamp, get these career, elitist professional officeholders out of office, we’re just going to watch our Second Amendment rights get chipped away a little at a time. 

Every single time we let these vote-hungry, anti-American avarice machines pass a law and blindly accept it, we lose a little more guaranteed freedom and embolden them to take even more. 

 For instance, Comrade Newsome, the exalted mystic ruler In Charge of California, signed a bunch of new gun laws. Newsome decided to double the tax on ammunition. So, between the fed boi’s tax and Newsome’s, you’ll be paying about twenty-two percent in taxes to buy a box of ammunition if you’re still crazy enough to live in that state. In other words, a twenty-five dollar box of ammo will now cost you thirty-plus dollars. But hey, if you live in California you’re already paying six bucks a gallon for gas, so this is cool, right? After all, you voted for the left’s policies, so you get what you deserve. 

 Newsom is in the middle of a national campaign to amend the U.S. Constitution to restrict gun sales to people over 21, require extensive background checks, impose a waiting period for purchases and ban the sale of assault-style weapons. He also wants only guns capable of micro-stamping cartridge cases to be sold in his tax hell hole of a state. He won’t be happy until he’s able to put the hobnailed-boot of woke idiocy onto the throats of Americans living outside his current iron-fisted grasp, so he’s setting himself up for a run at the presidency. Because once you’ve destroyed an entire state, the logical next move is to destroy the country. And Newsome will do a far better job destroying America than Biden has done so far. Newsome doesn’t even need the acts of treason to do it. He’ll have his happy sycophants doing whatever he commands. 

 Now, I’m not bagging on Newsome out of personal vengeance. Not yet anyway. I don’t live in California, and would never even consider living there. But if you notice, almost everything wrong in this country started in California. It starts on the West Coast, and then, like a disease, slowly works its way east. So when an egomaniac with no decent form of control like Newsome channels Crazy Adolph, we can expect the brain-dead in actual America to embrace whatever policies Herr Newsome spits out. 

 None of the laws, and there have been so, so many, that have been written in the past several years has had any impact at all on gun violence. That’s because the snake oil salesmen that run for office don’t really care about making a difference. Every gun law passed in the past five years has been solely written to suck in the non-critical thinking, simple-minded morons who vote for them. Rather than pass more gun laws, we need to pass a law that requires a certain IQ in order to vote. 

 Unfortunately, as gun owners we do it to ourselves by allowing it to happen. We are easy targets, because the lefty soy-boys and girls aren’t gun owners. They sit and suck down whatever pablum their masters in the MSM pour down their throat so they can parrot it and feel superior to the rest of the world. Their views are assigned to them, they don’t bother to check for accuracy, so they become the perfect useful idiots that Lenin could only dream of. 

 They take their factory-installed biases with them into the voting booths and they cast their votes for whoever Soros tells them to. This is how you end up with politicians in office like Congressman Hank Johnson, Democrat, Georgia who in a hearing was concerned that adding troops on Guam would cause the island to tip over (link to the video is in the show notes) And this idiot is still in office. Incompetents like this daily author bills that directly affect your life as an American. 

And, while Democrats are obvious, easy targets for ridicule, anti-gun sentiments can be found on both sides of the aisle. Notable Republicans who use an anti-gun stance to pander to the crowd solely for votes are Liz Chaney, Wyoming, Adam Kinzinger, Illinois, John Katko, New York, Peter Meijer and Fred Upton of Michigan, and several others. Chaney is especially egregious, as Wyoming is pretty far from being a liberal state. It’s one of the more gun-friendly states in the country, long renowned for hunting. 

 As gun owners, we need to drive home the point that we obey the laws. And we’re the only ones who obey the laws, so the new laws are having zero impact on crime. By definition, a criminal is “one who commits a crime.” To real Americans, a criminal is someone who belongs behind bars as they have made the choice to live outside the decent bounds of society. To the leftists, criminals are not only their voting base, but their politicians as well. This is why the leftist attorneys general don’t prosecute criminals. This is why in California you can loot, burn, and murder with impunity. There are no repercussions for crime. This is why in liberal Washington state, you can take a section of the city over with a handful of scumbags and impose your own form of law. And the leftist pols will actually support your doing so. Call it what you will, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone or the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, it was an insurrection in the truest sense of the word. But since it was conducted by liberals, and supported by liberal pols, it was allowed. 

That there are two separate, distinct justice systems in America today cannot be denied. Liberal versus conservative justice. My committing a gun crime versus Hunter Biden committing a gun crime. The MSM tells their faithful that it isn’t so, that justice is meted out evenly and they believe it and continue to support the most corrupt administration in American history. The current denizens of the White House make Tammany Hall look like rank amateurs. And everyone involved is anti-gun. 

Apparently “shall not be infringed” or, for that matter, anything in the Constitution doesn’t mean much when it comes to those aspiring to power or those wanting to hold onto it. What is Constitutional, good for the people, and rooted in logic means nothing to a pol. It’s all about the office and the personal riches they can glean from it, no matter how many real Americans have to suffer for their gains. People come into office making six-figure salaries and retire as multi-millionaires. But there’s no corruption there, right? 

It's all about lobbyists and pandering to a demographic. Before it was guns, it was alcohol. Now, there’s no denying that alcohol causes health problems, is a contributing factor in some crimes, and is directly attributable to traffic deaths in cases of driving while impaired. So where’s the hue and cry to outlaw alcohol? Well, see, there isn’t one. There’s a lot of campaign contributions made by the alcohol PAC, and lefties like alcohol. So it get’s a pass. But hey, this wasn’t always the case. 

 Let me thumb through the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and let's see, hmmm, nope, don’t see anywhere in here where alcohol is protected. But hey, wait, this is interesting. Here’s the Eighteenth Amendment, and wow, it outright bans the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages. Now that’s interesting. Was it because there were so many deaths caused by drunk driving? Couldn’t be that, there weren’t that many cars back then. So what were our legislative elites protecting us from? What was so dangerous to society that they actually passed an amendment to the Constitution to ban something? Let’s do a little research, shall we. (For you MSNBC devotees who may be listening, research is a method of determining the veracity of a statement. It’s like the antithesis of the mainstream media. Try it sometime.) 

 Well, will you look at this. The Eighteenth Amendment was signed into law because protestants wanted alcohol banned. They aimed to heal what they saw as an ill society beset by alcohol-related problems such as alcoholism, family violence, and saloon-based political corruption. So, a vocal minority was able to have a direct impact on American life, without any empirical evidence that their methods would produce the desired outcome, and politicians who wanted to stay in office pandered to them to secure their votes. Say it ain’t so, and that something like this can’t happen in America! 

 Wow, so we gave way more power to a vocal minority based on feelings and the desire for inclusion over facts. Why would we ever do something as regrettably stupid as that? Our early politicians must have been real morons to even consider writing something like that, much less passing it. To just write an amendment because a group of whack-jobs thought they knew what was good for all Americans, even though they had no proof or science. How absolutely fascist and ridiculous! 

 How can something like this even stand? Did it even accomplish the goal of saving us from our drunken, sinful ways? Some research indicates that alcohol consumption declined substantially due to Prohibition, while other research indicates that Prohibition did not reduce alcohol consumption in the long term. We do know for a fact that prohibition led to new forms of crime like bootlegging. So at least we got NASCAR out of it. But wait, alcohol is legal now, so what changed? 

 Here it is, the Twenty-First Amendment, the only time in American history in which a constitutional amendment was passed for the purpose of repealing another. Apparently, prohibition lowered local revenues and imposed "rural" Protestant religious values on "urban" America, so it was done away with. And never again in America would a small but vocal minority, bereft of facts and pandered to by morally corrupt politicians who wanted to keep their offices be able to force legislators into unconstitutional, self-serving acts. 

 Or can they? There are so many new laws being passed that do absolutely nothing to curb crime that gun owners should be very afraid. The fact that politicians are only in office to be in office and reap the benefits means that our legislators simply cannot be trusted any longer. Much like the laws being passed requiring electric vehicles, an inefficient solution to a non-existing problem, gun laws are being enacted simply to appease a small but vocal minority. These same people writing laws that punish you for using a wrong pronoun have the capacity to completely stomp all over the Bill of Rights. 

So today’s lesson is to vote wisely, research the candidates' stand on important issues, and roll the dice that once they get into office they’ll actually honor their campaign promises. Yeah, right. 

That’s all for this episode. If you have suggestions on this topic or one you’d like to hear about, please by all means let me know. Put it in the comments section if the app you use has that feature, send me an email or text, use a carrier pigeon or smoke signal, whatever it takes. I’m actually very responsive to comments, and extremely appreciative of anything that would help me make this podcast better and offer more value to the shooting community. 

  We’re finished with classes for this year as nobody takes them during the holidays. We will make an exception for groups of six or more provided we can schedule the classroom and range bays. 

  As always, if you enjoyed this podcast consider letting one of your like-minded friends know about it. We’re listed in all the major podcast directories, or you can listen in at our website. Until next time, shoot safe.